Home > Versión Pay > Dispositivos Soportados > Interfaz CCT900

CCT900 Interface

El interfaz CCT900 fabricado por wh Münzprüfer Berlin GmbH es un hub USB que puede contectar a componentes de pago ccTalk y otros componetes de máquinas de vending (slot locking system, motor reject e intermediate cash box).

Nota: no elija este opción para los dispositivos de Azkoyen, sin el Interfaz ccTalk genérico.
A continuación se muestra la información técnica del fabricante (en inglés).
1. Soporte Dispositivo
Este interfaz está implementado en SiteKiosk como un medio de pago utilizado para controlar selectores de moneda y lectores de billete. 

2. Requisitos Sistema
2.1 Hardware
  1. Payment devices supporting the CCTalk protocol 
  2. CCT900 Interface
  3. Up-to-date PC with available USB port
2.2 Software
  1. Windows 7, 8, 10
  2. Internet Explorer 10, 11
  3. SiteKiosk con licencia para funciones de pago

3. Instalación de Hardware
Install the hardware following the instructions provided by the manufacturer wh Münzprüfer Berlin GmbH. Connecting the device to a PC requires a driver that emulates a COM port for this USB device. The interface requires a 12V power supply.

4. Configuración CCT900
4.1 General
After installing SiteKiosk and connecting the hardware to your computer, you can use the SiteKiosk configuration tool to create a configuration. Go to the "Payment devices" page in the configuration tool and select the entry "Interface: CCT900 (ccTalk)" from the list of available devices. Click the Customize button to enable and configure the device.

The icon next to the device will turn from red to green when it is activated.

4.2 Search Options
Checking the advanced search box and the PIN code are optional. Select the port type used, which should usually be the USB port (even though the driver emulates a COM port). Proceed by clicking on the Search button. The CCT900 interface and the devices connected to it will be detected automatically.

Please note that the search will also always return the CCT900 interface. If you wish to only use coin and bill acceptors connected to the interface, you can manage these devices using their respective list entries while deleting or disabling the entry for the CCT900 interface. You will not need the CCT900 entry unless you want to use the interface to control a slot locking system, a motor reject or an intermediate cash box.

Below the list of devices you will find an option to add devices manually after selecting their respective type. We do, however, recommend that you use the automatic search function.

4.3 List of Devices
Once detected, the devices found will appear on the list of devices and can be edited by double-clicking or clicking the "Configure Selected Device" button.

The configuration dialog boxes vary with the type of the selected device. After opening the dialog box, you should press the Test button. If communication with the device is successful, the device information fields will be filled with data.

If you have connected coin acceptors and bill readers, you should proceed by configuring the associated channels.

The CCT900 interface dialog box allows you to set up additional devices such as slot locking systems, motor rejects and intermediate cash boxes.

4.3 Configuring the supported coins or bills
Some common configurations for different ccTalk devices are stored in the XML file "ccTalk.xml" (in the folder ..\SiteKiosk\SiteCash). These configurations can be selected from a drop-down menu. As an alternative, you can specify your own configuration or edit an existing one.

Use the checkboxes to enable the channels and the relative money units which you would like to allow in SiteKiosk. If necessary, enter the amount to be displayed under description, e.g. 1 USD. This amount will later be displayed in the user dialog box unless you specified an image for the monetary unit in the XML file.

You can use the field Value to specify the actual monetary units SiteKiosk should credit to the customer. This is particularly important if you want to allow the acceptance of several currencies as SiteKiosk can only display one main currency. For instance, if Swiss Francs is the main currency, but you also want to allow the acceptance of Euros, the Euro cash value will have to be converted accordingly.

Vea también

Diálogo Virtual de Simulación (para pruebas)
SmartCards: Tarjetas Pre-pago
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Sel. Monedas (Pulsos)
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