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PcCredit Board (COM-Port)

PcCredit Card es una utilidad de validación de monedas desarrollada por Brent Electronic. La tarjeta se contecta al interfaz RS232 de su equipo e incorpora puertos que pueden conectar a una amplia variedad de dispositivos de monedas y billetas. 

Para más información sobre este producto, visite el sitio web del fabricante en http://www.pccredit.co.uk.
1. Soporte Dispositivo

Other coin and bill acceptors which are supported by PcCredit Board should also work in principle. Please test devices not listed here before you buy with the demo version of SiteKiosk.

2. Requisitos Sistema
2.1 Hardware
  1. PCCREDIT 1,4,5,7,9 including necessary connecting cable (i.e. serial cable)
  2. Coin or bill acceptor supported by PCCredit
  3. Up-to-date PC with available COM port
2.2 Software
  1. Windows 7, 8, 10
  2. Internet Explorer 10, 11
  3. SiteKiosk Plus License

3. Instalando el Hardware
The installation process is different for the different interfaces supported. If you have any questions or problems concerning the installation, please contact the manufacturer Brent Electronics.

4. Configuación de PcCredit Board
4.1 General
After installing SiteKiosk and connecting the payment hardware to your computer, you can now configure the device with the help of the SiteKiosk configuration tool. Select the entry "Interface: PC-Credit Board" from the list of available devices and click Customize to configure and activate this device.
4.2 Connection
Select the matching device type (coin or bill acceptor) from the drop down menu "Device Type" and click on the "Detect" button. Provided you installed everything correctly, SiteKiosk should automatically detect the COM port that your device is attached to.
4.3 Settings
The XML file "PcCredit.xml" (..\SiteKiosk\SiteCash folder) already contains some channel descriptions. You can now either select one of the given configurations or create one of your own.

You can activate the denominations you want to allow in SiteKiosk by selecting the checkbox under Channel. The function to Allow/Deny a single coin or bill is not fully implemented, all monetrar values that this device supports will be accepted.

All information you enter unter Description i.e. 1 Dollar, will later on be displayed in a dialog box unless you assigned a different image to the denomination in the XML file.

Use the text box labeled Value to set the amount that SiteKiosk should credit to a user's session. This will be of special importance to you if you want SiteKiosk to accept several different currencies because SiteKiosk can only display one main currency. If you, for instance, want to employ Swiss francs as your main currency, but want to accept Euro coins as well, the Euro coins value will have to be converted into Swiss francs.

The device is now ready for use.

Vea también

Diálogo Virtual de Simulación (para pruebas)
SmartCards: Tarjetas Pre-pago
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Sel. Monedas (Pulsos)
Tarjetas de Crédito
SiteCafe para Cibercafés
Limitador de Tiempo
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Interfaz CCT900
Interfaz CoinRS (COM-Port)
Interfaz HW200 USB
Lector billetes (varios)
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