Home > Versión Pay > Dispositivos Soportados > Lector billetes (varios)


Este dispositivo de pago se puede utilizar en combinación con varios tipos distintos y modelos de lectores de billetes.
1. Dispositivos Soportados
1.1 Global Bill Acceptor
1.2 Matrix Bill Acceptor
1.3 Vector Bill Acceptor
1.4 Apex 5000 Series
1.5 MEI AE2600/2800 Series

2. Requisitos de Sistema
2.1 Hardware
  1. GBA / Apex 5000 / MATRIX / MEI AE2600/2800 / Vector
  2. appropriate RS232 interface cable or USB cable for the device
  3. Up-to-date PC with available COM or USB port
2.2 Software
  1. Windows 7, 8, 10
  2. Internet Explorer 10, 11
  3. SiteKiosk Plus License

3. Instalación de Hardware
3.1 Connecting the device to your computer
Plug the included connection cable into the matching port of your computer. Please refer to the manual and manufacturer's website for more information.
3.4 Connection to the bill acceptor
Connect the other end of the connection cable to the bill acceptor enclosure by plugging it into the appropriate port.
3.3 Power supply
The bill acceptor is usually fed by the computer's ATX power supply.

4. Configurando el lector de billetes
4.1 General
After installing SiteKiosk and connecting the payment device to your computer, you can now configure the device with the SiteKiosk configuration tool. Select the entry Bill Acceptor: GBA/APEX/MATRIX/MEI/VECTOR from the list of available devices then click Customize to configure and activate the device.

The icon next to the device will turn from red to green after the device has been activated.
4.2 Connection
Please start by selecting your bill acceptor from the drop down list (GBA/APEX/Matrix/MEI/Vector or Matrix/Vector USB). Click on SEARCH. The Payment Module should automatically recognize to which port the device is connected. If the Payment Module fails to do so, please make sure that you have connected everything correctly and that the device is connected to the power supply. If the device is still after this, please contact us.
4.3 Bill Values
As a next step, select the configuration you require from the drop-down menu. All configurations are stored in the file globalbill.ini. Thus, if you need to edit a configuration, open this file and adjust it to fit your needs.

If the device you want to employ was detected correctly, the supported bills will be displayed automatically. However, you can also define your own bill values. Bill values let you set up an exchange rate between foreign currencies and the specified main currency. It will usually be best, though, to make sure that the main currency is the same as the one selected here. Check the box next to only the bills you want to allow in everyday use. The device will then only accept the bills you activated.

Edit GlobalBill.ini:
The Bill Acceptor configurations are stored in the file "GlobalBill.ini" in the folder ..\SiteKiosk\SiteCash. If necessary, you can adjust this file with a text editor. For example you can define images to represent currency values or add a configuration for other currencies.

5. Solución de problemas
4.1 Bills are not being recognized
Make sure you selected the correct EEPROM settings for the desired currency when you configured the Apex/GBA.
4.2 Connection
  1. Check if the power adapter is plugged in. 
  2. Check the device for obstructions

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