Scheduler Object
The Scheduler object provides creating timed events.
Members Table
The following table lists the members provided by the Scheduler object.
This object is available through the main object SiteKiosk.
Use the Scheduler object to start events at a specified time.
Note that the path of a file using SiteKiosk objects must be allowed in the
SiteKiosk configuration (Security -> Access -> URL's With Script Permission)
if it is not a browser skin file.
The following example shows the scheduler functionality.
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function sstartaction()
if (saction[0].checked) SiteKiosk.Quit();
if (saction[1].checked) SiteKiosk.ShutdownWindows();
if (saction[2].checked) SiteKiosk.RebootWindows();
if (saction[3].checked) SiteKiosk.LogoffWindows();
function startscheduler()
myevtid = SiteKiosk.Scheduler.AddDelayedEvent(stime.value*1000,
id_sas.innerHTML = "Status: Scheduler started";
<table border="0" bgcolor="#ebebeb" width="600" cellspacing="5"
cellpadding="5" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;"
<tr><td bgcolor="f8f8f8">
When the link is clicked, the specified action will be
started when the specified time elapsed. The scheduler
can be used for various actions.
<tr><td style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;">
<input type="radio" name="saction"> Quit SiteKiosk
<input type="radio" name="saction" checked> Shutdown Windows
<input type="radio" name="saction"> Reboot Windows
<input type="radio" name="saction"> Logout Windows user
Time in seconds
<select name="stime" size="1" style="width:150px;">
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="10">10</option>
<option value="15">15</option>
<span style="color:#cc3300;" id="id_sas">Status: inactive</span>
<div align="center">
<a href="javascript:startscheduler()">
The following example can be modified and added to the "TrayWindow.html" of
the used browser skin to achieve that SiteKiosk reboots or shuts down at an
exact point of time.
<script language="javascript">
// Time:
// use time in 24-hour format (HH:MM)
// and "0" for no action.
// Example:
// sWeekDays[1] = "01:25"; // Time Mondays 1:25 a.m.
// Action:
// true=reboot, false=shutdown
// Example:
// bWeekReboot[1] = false; // Shutdown Mondays
var sWeekDays = new Array();
var bWeekReboot = new Array();
// Monday:
sWeekDays[1] = "0";
bWeekReboot[1] = true;
// Tuesday
sWeekDays[2] = "0";
bWeekReboot[2] = true;
// Wednesday
sWeekDays[3] = "0";
bWeekReboot[3] = true;
// Thursday
sWeekDays[4] = "0";
bWeekReboot[4] = true;
// Friday
sWeekDays[5] = "0";
bWeekReboot[5] = true;
// Saturday
sWeekDays[6] = "0";
bWeekReboot[6] = true;
// Sunday
sWeekDays[7] = "0";
bWeekReboot[7] = true;
// Cutomizable Scheduler to reboot/shutdown this terminal
function CreateShutdownScheduler()
var CurrentDate = new Date();
var Day = CurrentDate.getDay();
var strDays = new String();
if (sWeekDays[Day] != "0")
strDays = sWeekDays[Day];
if (bWeekReboot[Day])
parseInt(strDays.substring(0, 2)),
parseInt(strDays.substring(3, 5)), 0,
parseInt(strDays.substring(0, 2)),
parseInt(strDays.substring(3, 5)), 0,
// Customizable function to reboot
function RebootScheduler(eventID)
// Customizable function to shutdown
function ShutdownScheduler(eventID)
// Create Scheduler to shutdown/reboot the terminal
Applies to
SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).
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