LanguageInfo Object

The LanguageInfo object contains information about the different skin languages.

Members Table

    The following table lists the members provided by the LanguageInfo object.

    Properties Description
    Enabled If the language is enabled.
    EnglishName English name for the language.
    LangID ID of the language.
    Name Name of the language.

    This object is returned by the Item method. Use the LanguageInfo object to determine the name or ID of the language.

    Note that the path of a file using SiteKiosk objects must be allowed in the
    SiteKiosk configuration (Security -> Access -> URL's With Script Permission)
    if it is not a browser skin file.
    The following example shows the name of the first available language in an alert window.

    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

Applies to
    SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).

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