SiteSkin Object
The SiteSkin object provides information about the current browser skin.
Members Table
The following table lists the members provided by the SiteSkin object.
Objects |
Description |
Config |
IXMLDOMNode object of the skin configuration. |
StringTable |
Instance of the StringTable object of SiteKioskWindow. |
Properties |
Description |
SkinName |
Name of the current skin. |
SubSkinName |
Name of the current subskin. |
TaskbarVisible |
If the taskbar should be shown. |
Events |
Description |
OnSkinChange |
Fires when the browser skin changes. |
This object is available through the main object SiteKiosk.
Use the SiteSkin object to determine the browser skin name or its strings.
Note that the path of a file using SiteKiosk objects must be allowed in the
SiteKiosk configuration (Security -> Access -> URL's With Script Permission)
if it is not a browser skin file.
The following example shows skin information including all available skin languages.
<table border="0" bgcolor="#ebebeb" width="600" cellspacing="5"
cellpadding="5" style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;"
<tr><td bgcolor="f8f8f8">
The following example shows skin information including all
available skin languages. Click a language to activate it.
<tr><td style="font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;">
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
SkLang = SiteKioskWebBrowser.SiteKioskWindow.SkinLanguages;
StrTab = SiteKiosk.SiteSkin.StringTable;
document.writeln("Skin name: " + SiteKiosk.SiteSkin.SkinName);
document.writeln("SubSkin name: "+SiteKiosk.SiteSkin.SubSkinName);
for (var j = 1; j <= SkLang.Count; ++j)
if (SkLang.Item(j).LangID == StrTab.SelectedLanguage)
document.writeln("<span id='id_sklang'>Current language: " +
SkLang.Item(j).Name + " (ID " + StrTab.SelectedLanguage +
document.writeln("Available languages:<br>");
for (var i = 1; i <= SkLang.Count; ++i)
if (SkLang.Item(i).Enabled) skenstatus = "";
else skenstatus = "[deactivated in the configuration]";
if (i !=1) document.writeln("");
document.write("<a href='javascript:switchto(" +
SkLang.Item(i).LangID + ");' style='text-decoration:none;'>" +
SkLang.Item(i).Name + "</a>" + " (" + SkLang.Item(i).LangID +
")" + skenstatus);
SiteKioskWebBrowser.SiteKioskWindow.OnSkinLanguageChange = OSLCh;
function OSLCh(newlangid)
for (var j = 1; j <= SkLang.Count; ++j)
if (SkLang.Item(j).LangID == newlangid)
id_sklang.innerHTML = "Current language: " +
SkLang.Item(j).Name + " (ID " + newlangid + ")";
function switchto(switchid)
SiteKiosk.LocaleManager.LangID = switchid;
Applies to
SiteKiosk v5.0 (and later versions).
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